If you failed your 1-hour glucose screen AND your 3-hour glucose tolerance test, then you have gestational diabetes.
Hopefully, you’ll get a chance to talk to a dietitian. In the meantime, try to cut down (if you can, cut them out completely) the simple sugary items from your diet: sodas, cookies, cakes, candies, and other sources of sugary carbs. Paying attention to portion size is the best thing you can do. Try to make your plate ½ greens, ¼ grains, and ¼ protein for every meal. If you’re not already, add in four to five 20 minute walks or other cardiovascular exercise sessions per week.
You’ll need to check your blood sugar several times per day, at least initially. You should check your blood sugar first thing in the morning (a fasting blood glucose), and then check it two hours after each large meal – breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Your fasting blood sugars should be below 95 and your blood sugars after meals should be below 120. If your blood sugars are running higher than this, you may need to take medicine to help lower your blood sugars.
Is also helpful, in the beginning at least, to track what you are eating. This can help your dietitian and your doctor decide if there are some things you should do differently in your diet. It can also help you understand why your blood sugar might spike – for example, after delicious pizza.